In the early- and mid-1990s the mixtape was ubiquitous and essential to a DJ's career. Mixtapes from California rave legends like Doc Martin, Jeno, DJ Dan, Ron D. Core, DJ Trance, Daniel, Thee-O, and Eli Star are still highly regarded and coveted to this day. Mixtapes provided a ninety-minute journey for the listener, the most successful of which became seamless loops encapsulating a singular musical vision that could be played continuously.
The mixtape was also an excellent medium for collaboration, neatly divided as they are between between two discrete sides. I've had the fun and good fortune of creating mixtapes with friends and respected DJs such as Mr. Annand, Brian Seed, Jason Blakemore, and John Kelley.
By the end of the 1990s, most DJs had switched to producing CDs, which were by far the dominant music medium of the time. And, with that switch, a much loved, iconic artefact of early rave culture met its demise.